The Radiocarbon Searcher


Page 1  of  6 results (0.003 seconds).

GrA-24513 (4830 ±50)
site 3H  in  Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)

EH Hazleton North: antler series Hazleton North- Antler; this antler was found in the primary fill
(context 328/214) of the south quarry, near its western edge (Saville 1990, fig 199) and shows
evidence of having been used as a quarrying tool (Saville 1990, fig 201). The fill, 'derived from
the weathering of the exposed limestone', apparently was deposited while quarrying was going on
(Saville 1990, 23). It is therefore assumed that this antler was used in the quarrying of stone for…

GrA-24513 (4830 ±50)
site 3B; 3H  in  Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)

Gathering Time Project Hazleton Red deer antlers (context)

GrA-24513 (4830 ±50)
site S2210  in  Not available. 
Date stored in 'Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Database (CARD)

Type of date : Archaeological

GrA-24513 (4830 ±50)    
site Ascott-under-Wychwood  in  not available. 
Date stored in 'CalPal Online

GrA-24513 (4830 ±50)    
site Hazleton North  in   . 
Date stored in 'EUROEVOL

GRA-24513 (4830 ±50)
site Hazleton North, Gloucestershire  in  England. 
Date stored in 'RADON