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OxA-1877 (2770 ±70) site 4321 in Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)
ORAU database Barrow Hills, England charred bone:BA OxA-1877 (2770 ±70) site 4B Barrow in Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)
CL Charred human bone, F4321, from cremation within tripartite collared urn decorated with twisted
cord impressions, at W end of barrow cemetery, c 20m N of Barrow 12, at Barrow Hills, Radley,
Oxfordshire, England. Subm C Halpin 1988. Comment (subm): these three dates, OxA-1876, 1877, -1878,
have failed to produce archaeologically acceptable dates. Comment (lab): chemically the three
anomalous charred bones were no different from the other charred bones which have produced… OXA-1877 (2770 ±70) site Barrow Hills in n/a. 
Date stored in 'RADON