Page 9 of 2113 results (0.222 seconds).
OxA-16054 (3931 ±31) site 4J in Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)
EH Cossington: site 4 Cossington - animal bone; as OxA-16053 SUERC-11278 (4395 ±35) site 4J in Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)
EH Cossington: site 4 Cossington - antler; as OxA-16053 SUERC-11282 (4045 ±35) site 4J in Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)
EH Cossington: site 4 Cossington - animal bone; as OxA-16032 OxA-16060 (3477 ±32) site 4J in Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)
EH Cossington: site 5 Cossington - charcoal; the charcoal was retrieved from a charcoal-rich patch
within the upper backfill of the barrow ring-ditch. The ditch was cut into natural sand. Due to the
level of the sample, within the upper areas of the ditch, some rootlet penetration is possible.… OxA-16061 (3539 ±29) site 4J in Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)
EH Cossington: site 5 Cossington - charcoal; as OxA-16060 SUERC-11283 (3295 ±35) site 4J in Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)
EH Cossington: site 5 Cossington - charcoal; single fragment, blackthorn, 4 years growth; as
OxA-16060… OxA-601 (6190 ±90) site 2B Occupation to 3B Occupation in Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)
CL Tufa with soils, animal bones, and flint-knapping Bone, id as Bos, unfused distal metatarsal,
from F603, 52-318 at Misbourne Viaduct, Gerrard's Cross, Buckinghamshire, England. Subm M Farley & R
Wilson. Comment (subm) (MF): The dates in general confirm the observed stratigraphic sequence and
indicate that the tufa was forming from the later Meso into the later Neolithic. Two dates give
problems: OxA-620 was expected to be contemporary with OxA-601 and OxA-619, but could be a downward… OxA-602 (3730 ±90) site 2B Occupation to 3B Occupation in Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)
CL Tufa with soils, animal bones, and flint-knapping Bone, id as Bos, cuboid, from F601A, 51-316 at
Misbourne Viaduct, Gerrard's Cross, Buckinghamshire, England. Subm M Farley & R Wilson. Comment
(subm) (MF): The dates in general confirm the observed stratigraphic sequence and indicate that the
tufa was forming from the later Meso into the later Neolithic. Two dates give problems: OxA-620 was
expected to be contemporary with OxA-601 and OxA-619, but could be a downward intrusion due to… OxA-603 (4070 ±100) site 2B Occupation to 3B Occupation in Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)
CL Tufa with soils, animal bones, and flint-knapping Bone, id as Bos, third phalanx, from F602,
49-318 at Misbourne Viaduct, Gerrard's Cross, Buckinghamshire, England. Subm M Farley & R Wilson.
Comment (subm) (MF): The dates in general confirm the observed stratigraphic sequence and indicate
that the tufa was forming from the later Meso into the later Neolithic. Two dates give problems:
OxA-620 was expected to be contemporary with OxA-601 and OxA-619, but could be a downward intrusion… OxA-618 (5970 ±100) site 2B Occupation to 3B Occupation in Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)
CL Tufa with soils, animal bones, and flint-knapping Bone, id as Bos, vertebral spine, from F602,
52-318 at Misbourne Viaduct, Gerrard's Cross, Buckinghamshire, England. Subm M Farley & R Wilson.
Comment (subm): (MF): The dates in general confirm the observed stratigraphic sequence and indicate
that the tufa was forming from the later Meso into the later Neolithic. Two dates give problems:
OxA-620 was expected to be contemporary with OxA-601 and OxA-619, but could be a downward intrusion…