The Radiocarbon Searcher


Page 5  of  2113 results (0.214 seconds).

OxA-12482 (4490 ±33)
site 4B  in  Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)

EH Birstall Watermead Country Park: macrofossils in pollen columns 4 and 8 Birstall Watermead
Country Park- Plant macrofossil; waterlogged seeds (<5g); monoliths collected in 50x10x10cm tins and
double-bagged. Sample of Sediment from 81-83cm of Column 4 (monolith 78) was sorted for waterlogged

OxA-12998 (4039 ±31)
site 4B  in  Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)

EH Birstall Watermead Country Park: burnt mound sequence Birstall Watermead Country Park- Wood; from
the wattle walls lining a circular cut (the trough); the withies should date the construction of the

GU-5983 (3890 ±50)
site 4B  in  Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)

EH Birstall Watermead Country Park: burnt mound sequence Birstall Watermead Country Park- Wood; one
of several alder planks lining the base of a circular cut (the trough); these could be a later
addition to the trough (charcoal was found behind the planks), but (unlike oak) they could not have
remained in use for long.…

GU-5984 (3800 ±50)
site 4B  in  Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)

EH Birstall Watermead Country Park: burnt mound sequence Birstall Watermead Country Park- Wood; one
of several alder planks lining the base of a circular cut (the trough); these could be a later
addition to the trough (charcoal was found behind the planks), but (unlike oak) they could not have
remained in use for long.…

GU-5994 (3640 ±50)
site 4B  in  Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)

EH Birstall Watermead Country Park: burnt mound sequence Birstall Watermead Country Park- Wood; one
of several alder planks lining the base of a circular cut (the trough); these could be a later
addition to the trough (charcoal was found behind the planks), but (unlike oak) they could not have
remained in use for long.…

GU-5995 (3730 ±50)
site 4B  in  Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)

EH Birstall Watermead Country Park: burnt mound sequence Birstall Watermead Country Park- Wood; one
of several alder planks lining the base of a circular cut (the trough); these could be a later
addition to the trough (charcoal was found behind the planks), but (unlike oak) they could not have
remained in use for long.…

GU-5986 (3940 ±100)
site 4B  in  Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)

EH Birstall Watermead Country Park: burnt mound sequence Birstall Watermead Country Park- Charcoal;
Charcoal within the cut of hearth feature 329, which represents the final heating episode of the
hearth and may be contemporary with the final heating episode of the trough. The compact nature of
the fill (particularly sample 111) suggests it is likely to be in situ burning.…

GU-5985 (3890 ±50)
site 4B  in  Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)

EH Birstall Watermead Country Park: burnt mound sequence Birstall Watermead Country Park- Charcoal;
charcoal found within the cut of hearth feature 318. Stones lining the feature were reddened on
their upper faces (ie burnt in situ). The charcoal represents the final heating episode of the
hearth and may be contemporary with the final heating episode of the trough. Charcoal from fill 317
is more likely to represent the final heating episode; charcoal in fill 315 may be reworked.…

GrA-24519 (3890 ±50)
site 4B  in  Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)

EH Birstall Watermead Country Park: burnt mound sequence Birstall Watermead Country Park- Charcoal;
charcoal from the latest layer of shattered stone and charcoal, which overlay other burnt spread
layers around the timber-lined trough. Charcoals from these spreads are thought to represent the
'working life' of the trough. Definition between the layers of burnt material was not clear (often
relying on slight changes in colour, density, and shifts in proportions of Charcoal to silt etc) but…

GrA-24516 (3850 ±50)
site 4B  in  Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)

EH Birstall Watermead Country Park: burnt mound sequence Birstall Watermead Country Park- Charcoal;
charcoal from the latest layer of shattered stone and charcoal, which overlay other burnt spread
layers around the timber-lined trough. Charcoals from these spreads are thought to represent the
'working life' of the trough. Definition between the layers of burnt material was not clear (often
relying on slight changes in colour, density, and shifts in proportions of Charcoal to silt etc) but…