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GrA-23588 (4290 ±45) site 4B in Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)
EH Birstall Watermead Country Park: human bones from the palaeochannel Birstall Watermead Country
Park- Human bone; femur, possibly female; one of ten Human bones recovered from spoil produced by
stripping of overburden for gravel extraction. Bones had peaty silt matrix adhering to them, and
apparently were from a peaty silt deposit within the palaeochannel, which was sealed by 1.5m of
alluvial clay containing no post Bronze Age finds or features.… GrA-23586 (4280 ±45) site 4B in Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)
EH Birstall Watermead Country Park: human bones from the palaeochannel Birstall Watermead Country
Park- Human bone; skull, male; one of ten Human bones recovered from spoil produced by stripping of
overburden for gravel extraction. Bones had peaty silt matrix adhering to them, and apparently were
from a peaty silt deposit within the palaeochannel, which was sealed by 1.5m of alluvial clay
containing no post Bronze Age finds or features.… GrA-23589 (3840 ±50) site 4B in Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)
EH Birstall Watermead Country Park: bones and timbers from the palaeochannel Birstall Watermead
Country Park- Animal bone; the animal bone was recovered from peaty silt context 129, around the
timber bridge structure; many bones had butchery marks.… GrA-23585 (3925 ±45) site 4B in Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)
EH Birstall Watermead Country Park: bones and timbers from the palaeochannel Birstall Watermead
Country Park- Animal bone; the animal bone was recovered from peaty silt context 129, around the
timber bridge structure; many bones had butchery marks.… GrA-23584 (2105 ±45) site 4B in Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)
EH Birstall Watermead Country Park: bones and timbers from the palaeochannel Birstall Watermead
Country Park- Animal bone; the animal bone was recovered from peaty silt context 129, around the
timber bridge structure; many bones had butchery marks.… GrA-23572 (2165 ±45) site 4B in Great Britain and Ireland. 
Date stored in 'Archeological Data Service (ADS)
EH Birstall Watermead Country Park: bones and timbers from the palaeochannel Birstall Watermead
Country Park- Animal bone; the animal bone was recovered from peaty silt context 129, around the
timber bridge structure; many bones had butchery marks.… S-1450 (3515 ±105) site EcNx-1a (Gray) in about 8 km northwest of Swift Current, 747 m asl, South Saskatchewan valley, Saskatchewan. 
Date stored in 'Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Database (CARD)
72 J/05 J.F.V. Millar July 11, 0096 3415 105 Significance : Archaic, Oxbow?; Archaique Burial 84
Associated taxa : Mammalia: Homo sapiens Aditional Information : The normalized age is a minimum,
because bison that had consumed C4 plants were probably included in the human diet. EcNx-1a, Gray:
This site is a remarkable cemetery where excavations have revealed 99 burial units containing the
remains of about 304 individuals (Millar 1978). Numerous discussions have dealt with the question of… S-706 (3585 ±195) site EcNx-1a (Gray) in about 8 km northwest of Swift Current, 747 m asl, South Saskatchewan valley, Saskatchewan. 
Date stored in 'Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Database (CARD)
72 J/05 J.F.V. Millar July 11, 0096 3485 195 Significance : Archaic, Oxbow?; Archaique Burial 30
Associated taxa : Mammalia: Homo sapiens, Bison sp, Antilocapra americana, Odocoileus sp; Aves:
Anatinae, Haliaeetus leucocephalus or Aquila chrysaetos Aditional Information : The normalized age
is a minimum, because bison that had consumed C4 plants were probably included in the human diet.
EcNx-1a, Gray: This site is a remarkable cemetery where excavations have revealed 99 burial units… RIDDL-512 (4510 ±140) site EcNx-1a (Gray) in about 8 km northwest of Swift Current, 747 m asl, South Saskatchewan valley, Saskatchewan. 
Date stored in 'Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Database (CARD)
72 J/05 N.C. Lovell July 11, 0096 Significance : Archaic, Oxbow?; Archaique Burial 56 Associated
taxa : Mammalia: Homo sapiens; Aves (unidentified trachea beads) EcNx-1a, Gray: This site is a
remarkable cemetery where excavations have revealed 99 burial units containing the remains of about
304 individuals (Millar 1978). Numerous discussions have dealt with the question of whether the Gray
site was used only by people of the Oxbow complex over a long period of time or whether different… S-619 (5055 ±165) site EcNx-1a (Gray) in about 8 km northwest of Swift Current, 747 m asl, South Saskatchewan valley, Saskatchewan. 
Date stored in 'Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Database (CARD)
72 J/05 J.F.V. Millar July 11, 0096 4955 165 Significance : Archaic, Oxbow; Archaique Burial 23b
Associated taxa : Mammalia: Homo sapiens, Bison bison, Antilocapra americana, Canis familiaris
Aditional Information : The normalized age is a minimum, because bison that had consumed C4 plants
were probably included in the human diet. EcNx-1a, Gray: This site is a remarkable cemetery where
excavations have revealed 99 burial units containing the remains of about 304 individuals (Millar…